Are you toxic? Fatigue, allergies, bowel issues, skin problems, and the inability to lose stubborn weight could all indicate you have toxic build-up in your body. Even things like bloating, as well as chronic mood and hormone issues, could mean you’ve got too many toxins messing with your health. If you’re on toxic overload, you probably feel crummy.
Did you know the typical person consumes six to nine pounds of chemical additives per year? While the body can handle getting rid of some of that naturally, many people are currently overwhelming their systems with so much toxic build-up that they really do need a proper cleanse/detox. It’s as if the toxins are “weighing you down,” and, in essence, they are.
The benefits of detoxing your body this year include feeling more energized, brighter/clearer skin, and, best of all, some weight loss.
So how can you detox safely, quickly and smartly in 2017? Dr. Barker recommends the Detox Cleanse (found here:
With the Detox Cleanse, you can get rid of unwanted toxins utilizing this 14-day detoxification program. The cleanse supports natural detoxification while also promoting healthy liver function and elimination. Not only does Detox Cleanse promote digestive health, but it also boosts a person’s energy levels. If you’ve been feeling “down and out,” now’s the time to do a detox in order to be back “up and at ‘em.”
Detox Cleanse involves an organic protein powder filled with vitamins and minerals. Dr. Barker says Detox Cleanse includes “amino support,” designed to stimulate your liver and help remove toxins out of your body. The Detox Cleanse also includes an enzyme packet which, when taken, helps support digestion and absorption of the protein powder and its vitamins and minerals. Best of all, the Detox Cleanse includes a program guide book so you have all the necessary information about how to detox in 2017. Even after you’ve detoxed your system, the program guide also includes information on how to stay healthy afterward.
Ready to start your detox? Ready to restore your health and increase your quality of life? 2017 is the year you can flush out toxins, boost your energy and shed extra pounds. You’ll look and feel better! Get the Detox Cleanse from Dr. Barker here: